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Become a member of the Timmins Construction Association and access exclusive benefits, resources, events and more

Tender Notices
Construction Documents & Contracts CCDC/CCA Forms
Safety Training/Seminars
Liaison with Timmins Regional Labour-Management Health and Safety Committee, City of Timmins and the Construction Safety Association of Ontario
Liaison With Northern College To Promote Apprenticeship Training Programs
Promote Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) with Secondary Schools

Addressing Barriers to Business with Advocacy and Policy
Monthly newsletter
Website Directory Listing and Business Referrals
Annual General Meeting / Safety Awards
Social Events- Annual Golf Tournament, Family Fun Day
Scholarships to local graduating high school trade students
Exclusive Discounts and Affinity Program
Home Show Discount


Code of Ethics are to be submitted with your TCA Application

Ready to apply? Email your application to: [email protected]